This wonderful compilation was put together by £az£o the creator of the "ߣue§ Train §ong§"
collection as it was posted on Usenet in the alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.blues newsgroup between (approx.) 1999 and 2003.
I thought I had lost this collection to a faulty hard drive and was thrilled to have come across a back-up a short time ago.
When Lazlo discovered this web-site he was surprised and pleased to find that the labels were made available for all to access.
I have been unsuccessful trying to touch base with Lazlo as the email address he used back in 2004 no longer works.
I know this is a long shot, but, Lazlo! If you see this contact me! If anyone knows Lazlo or would be willing/able to share any information
about him, please email me @==>>
I would appreciate it.